Working with your Workforce
Every day I get up, get dressed, trudge over to the office, where I am going to spend the next 8-9 hours. This is the without a doubt, the most difficult part of the day for me, knowing that I have to get through those hours with my head still on straight and no murder charges on my record.
It occurred to me how contrived the work environment is: we are thrust into a situation where we spend the majority of our day with people whom, given a choice, we probably wouldn't even spit at on the street. These...people...spend more time with you than your own family and you have almost not choice whatsoever as to who these people are. It's almost like family, but thank god you aren't forced to have dinner with them on a nightly basis or get involved with their lives on any serious level. I find it totally ridiculous that I have to spend so many hours a day with people I honestly can't stand. When I don't like my friends, I stop speaking to them. When I don't like my family, I just don't call them or hang out in another room. But with work, unless I quit, I'm stuck with these whining bastards till something better comes along.
And since you see these people almost every day, it's hard to tell them you have absolutely no interest in their personal lives, their problems or anything else for that matter. You walk this very fine line of maintaining a feigned interest in things without becoming too bitter or sarcastic because of that fake attitude. It's a very very fine line sometimes.
Yeah, I know everyone says work is just a microcosm of society and blah blah blah. But out in the world, when everyone around you won't shut the fuck up, you can usually just go into your room and lock the door. The office doesn't afford you any such luxuries. I suppose this is why people are blessed with the gift of patience, to deal with these situations that we have minimal control over. To that I just say "Ah Bartleby, ah humanity!"