Friday, April 23, 2004

Magazines and Waiting Rooms

I just did an improptu interview with a Canadian newspaper about doctor's waiting rooms and the magazines they order.

Till now I would not have thought that I would have anything to say on the subject. However, apparently I did. It's odd to have subconsciously accumulated knowledge -- especially about something which you never expected to know anything. Of course this knowledge is totally useless in the real world; who the hell needs to know about how magazine subscriptions are processed, who orders what and how to get around the system? I always wanted to keep magazine subscriptions in the same unknown realm as garage door openers and gravity.

I realize now that the other jobs I've held have given me insight into other equally useless areas: how to install a museum exhibit, how to organize a 100 page report (5 copies) in three hours, or how to wash a little yappy dog in the sink after it crawls into a frappacino cup. Well maybe the museum bit isn't so bad.

I just hope my mad skillz in dog washing never EVER comes up again.


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