Sunday, April 11, 2004

Those Wacky Mormons

So according to the Associated Press, the Mormons are baptizing Jewish Holocaust victims after being told to stop almost 10 years ago.

Granted, just because some dude in Salt Lake City says that my dead relatives are Mormons doesn't make it so, but it is utterly insulting nonetheless. As R. Hier said, it shows a total and complete arrogance, thinking your religion has the easy key to heaven. They don't have to think Judaism is right, but to baptize someone after they are dead is just hubris above and beyond.

However, I think that the bigger problem is that these are victims of the Holocaust -- people who were killed solely because they were Jewish. By posthumously converting them, you are negating everything these people lived and died for. It seems like spitting on their graves.

I know the Mormons have their own wife-swapping, no-booze-drinking, multiple-sister-marrying agenda, but I cannot think that this should be part and parcel of their daily practice. If you're so concerned for everyone's souls, just pray for them. Baptize your own, but leave my people out of it.


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