Back on the Wagon
I could easily blame the heat for my lack of drive to post anything, and that's not far off. In general, man oh man, I'm just too darned tuckered out.
However, recent events should make for bit of excitement.
Despite impending poverty and total financial dissolution, I am planning a trip back to the Continent, as I like to so jauntily call it. At the end of September, I'm headed back to London for 10 days. Either I'll be going on a very nifty 6 day walking tour in the South of France or I'll pick some really random European city, like Copenhagen, and spend a few days there.
General ennui has set in and the only way out is to do something totally different and this is pretty much it. I'm hoping that this trip will help me see more of the world and make me feel a little less like this drudgery that is my everyday existence isn't the end all of my life, that's there's more out there for me down the road.
Thus far, I have a ticket. The rest is open for debate. But no matter what happens, it'll be a million times more interesting than my life right now.