Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Dogs Do Not Equal People

Without exception, animals aren't people.
They can have funny expressions, be forced to wear clothes, eat "people food" and even sound like they are talking.
But they are not, repeat NOT people.

People who treat their dogs and cats and fish and iguanas like they are human beings who possess the same mental and emotional capacities are just plain wrong.

These beings are animals. They will eat their own poop and anything else you put in front of them. Before man became obsessed with taming various animals out in the wild for his own personal amusement, every single creature that is now kept as a pet managed quite fine out on their own, without benefit of fancy pet food and expensive grooming.

As much as you love them and they depend on you, they aren't replacements for people. Acting like they are is part of a grand delusion and in the end, when your pet dies after the short life span it will inevitably have, mourning for it like it was a best friend, sibling or god forbid spouse, will make you look definitively crazy.

Love your pet but please don't pretend that they are human.
That's just crazy.


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