Saturday, July 14, 2007

Embracing My Inner Geek

This week I came face to face with the fact that despite my outer cool (stop that snickering!), I am an inner geek.
Case in point - I waited almost 4 hours in line to see the midnight show of the new Harry Potter movie. Sure, that's bad, but I was proud of that fact. Plus I am proud of the fact that I also waited in line for several hours to see the midnight opening show Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, as well as the fact that I saw the first showing of all three Lord of the Rings movies. I'd like to add this includes a six hour wait for The Two Towers.
In other HP related geekdom, I am planning the events for our store for the release party of the final Harry Potter book. We aren't required to plan anything terribly complicated and yet I'm throwing myself into this full throttle. And getting totally excited about it. Everyone at work is laughing at me, but I think that I'll feel vindicated when and if our customers have a great time.
With the Simpsons movie coming up, I find myself getting further entrenched in the world of Springfield. I'll randomly quote a Homer line when it occurs to me or just walk up to people and ask if they remember a small moment from an episode that aired years ago.
I realize that on some level I should probably be ashamed of all this, but I'm really not. In the end I have a love/hate relationship with my geekitude, much like Homer and booze, "To alcohol, the cause of and solution to all life's problems"


Blogger Aaron said...

Embrace it, baby! We're all geeks at heart.

9:24 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

We must embrace our inner geekiness. If not, who will?

9:25 AM  

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