Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Positive Thinking

With this whole bullshit surrounding the book/dvd/Oprah phenom "The Secret" everyone is talking about the power of attraction aka, if you make a wish and believe in it, it will come true.
This is obviously a bunch of hooey, though one cannot deny that maybe your outlook is improved by this thinking positive and maybe you just reinterpret the outcome of your life.
All in all, I don't buy into this.


There are very few things in this world that really turn me into the praying sort. Illness and all that sort of bad horrible stuff that we hope never befalls our loved ones. But the real question is what are the happy things in life we'd pray for: money? love? success? Or is that all cliched?
I for one have finally found something to pray and dare I say hope for.
For almost 20 years my family has lived in the desolate wastelands of Los Angeles. While the rest of our tiny extended family resided in New York, my immediate family struggled to make connections in a city that from the get-go seemed hostile and unwelcoming. We suffered through major traumas without any local support, all the time dreaming of moving back to New York, the city of our origins. Sure in our minds we had inflated New York to a city of miracles, a place where everything will be good and fine and safe. In reality, no place could be a panacea but we hoped nonetheless.
Yesterday I got call from my mother. Through a variety of serendipitous occurrences, there is a chance that she could get a job - a good job at that - back in New York and this will enable her to move. This job would not start for another year, but even so the two of us became giddy with the possibility. My mother would no longer be alone and I would get to see her more than 2 or 3 times a year. All my siblings on the East Coast would once again have a parent near by, though those on the West Coast would have to adjust.
For the first time in recent memory I am asking the Universe for some payback on all the shit that has transpired in my life for the past 15 years or so. I don't believe in karma, but if what goes around comes around, my family is surely do for some good fortune.
So for what it's worth, I'm thinking positively and praying to whatever higher being might exist that even if just for my mom who has gotten the fuzzy end of the lollipop more times that I can count, please let this happen.

(And that please comes with sugar on top)


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