Monday, January 16, 2006

Calling All Escorts!

Ok, I'm not really going to hire an escort, but for the moment it seems like an easy solution to a permanent problem.

In a few weeks I'm going to NY for a friend's wedding. As I have been told several times, I'll be the only single female at the wedding and quite possibly the only single person in my age bracket. And just my luck, all my married and dating friends are going to be there with the assorted spouses and significant others. To add insult to injury, I have to attend a dinner that Friday night which will be me and four couples.

Can I please slit my wrists now?

Granted in the grand scheme of things, to other people this might not seem like such a big problem. You suck it up, go, and feel like the charity case of the group. Thing is...after years of the sucking it up and years of feeling like a charity case, enough is enough. At some point, you want to be one of couples, one of the people there who feels that even if no one talks to them, they have a built in companion. I never feel more alone then when I'm with a group of couples.

So either I find a boyfriend by February 3rd or I find a Will to my Grace (i.e. a gay man to be my escort to such embarrassing functions).

And since I see neither option taking form before the due date...look for me that night, I'll be the one drinking arsenic in the corner with a bleach chaser.


Blogger Nic said...

Hello Again!

I am sorry I cannot relate to your single blues... I got married when I was 19, so sometimes I am the one admiring the single woman in the corner. The grass is always greener on the other side, isn't it? Hopefully you will still have a good time - I think tequila would be more fun than bleach.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Smapdi said...

I suppose you're right about the grass being greener and all that; it's just that sometimes when ALL your neighbors have a certain type of yard, you wonder why you don't.
And yes, tequila is probably a bit more of a party pleaser than bleach. Though enough of either will make you go blind....

12:37 AM  

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