Monday, November 14, 2005

Why Life is Unfair

Last Friday Fox announced that they are cutting back on the number of episodes for season 3 of Arrested Development. Now for those who aren't aware of this, Arrested Development is quite possibly the funniest and smartest comedy on television. And Fox is treating it like the left-handed step child you keep in his room when company comes over.

AD has a rabid fan base and has been the darling of the critics. It has won several Emmys including an Emmy for Best Comedy back in its first season. And yet....and yet...

And how does this connect to life being unfair?
Just look at what is currently being offered on TV: Stacked, War at the Home, Still Standing
All CRAP. They leave this on the air on AD gets cancelled.

To paraphrase Douglas Adams, when the revolution comes theTV execs will be the first up against the wall.


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