Sunday, March 14, 2004

I don't know if it's because I haven't been to the movies in two months (a staggering lapse considering I used to go every week) or that the film itself was actually entertaining, but spending Saturday night watching "Starsky and Hutch" wasn't nearly as painful as I had predicted. In fact, it was downright enjoyable.

Don't get me wrong -- I will never see it again; I won't be going around telling people to see it the way I did with "Old School" or quoting it with any of sort of frequency. But as comedies go, this wasn't awful. For once, though, I would like to see Ben Stiller NOT play the wound-up neurotic to Owen Wilson's laid-back stoner. It's become sort of a cliche at this point.

As per usual, the highlight was Will Ferrel, as Big Earl, the dragon-loving inmate who initiates what, in my view, was the funniest visual gag the movie had to offer. It is wonderful to see him gaining the popularity and recognition he deserves as one of the foremost physical comics around, as well as just a very versatile comedian all around. Granted, nothing but nothing will top his performance as Frank the Tank, but I did really love Buddy the Elf and Mugatu. I'm waiting to see his new movie, the one about the weather anchor (forgot the name, mea culpa), but I think that he's worthy of the status Adam Sandler had. More worth, in fact, because I find him a hell of a lot funnier than Mr. Sandler. Anyone who has seen the SNL "Cowbell" sketch will most definitely attest to that. "I've got a fever and the only thing that can cure me is more cowbell !" Sigh...that is just classic. I guess a godbless goes out to Christopher Walken as well.

Now if I can only get around to see The Triplets of Belleville, The Station Agent, Monster, The Fog of War, 21 Grams, and yes, The Passion of the Christ, I just might feel I'm catching up before the summer blockbusters roll around.

I'm not totally dismayed at the slew of comic book movies coming out soon. I just read a "Hellboy" trade this weekend and if the movie is anything in tone like the comic, we are in for a treat. "The Punisher" looks pretty good, as long as John Travolta doesn't ham it up for the public. "Van Helsing" looks disastrous, but I loves me my Hugh Jackman, so what can I do? Some people feel they are scraping the bottom of the barrel for comic book inspired movies; I say they are just getting to the good stuff.

Also...just throwing it out there, but when did the summer begin at the start of May? I must have missed that announcement. I guess Hollywood's release schedule has nothing to do with the actual seasons as much as maximizing profitability; Nature be damned. If nothing else, you gotta admire their audacity.


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