Monday, March 15, 2004

Another episode of "The Sopranos" last night, and while it was good, I feel that it's just building up. I hope that all this build up leads somewhere. I can appreciate the producers and writers wanting us to anticipate what is going to happen throughout the rest of the season, but that the denoument has to happen a bit before the last 15 minutes of the season finale. That being said, I think some wonderful character development is going on right now, especially with Adriana and Carmella. The women have always been strong on "The Sopranos", but we are seeing a real depth of emotion from both of them. All in all, I still have high hopes for this season.

Last night was also the season finale of "Curb Your Enthusiasm". This has been a very uneven season, with some of the episode failing miserably and some creating moments of pure comic genuis. Who but Larry David would pick up a hooker just so he could drive in the carpool lane? However, I found that last night's finale made up for everything. It is a shame that anyone who hasn't seen the movie "The Producers" probably wouldn't truly get the show; seeing the musical might have helped, but the movie was the kicker. The entire season led up to a spoof of basic "Producers" plot. Having seen the movie countless times, I was able to talk along with Mel Brooks and Anne Bancroft as they sat in the bar toasting to failure, singing "By the Light of the Moon", and going to see what the majority has to say. The thing is that if I had paid to see LD and Schwimmer perform in the show, I would have felt gypped. They couldn't sing, they couldn't dance, they had little to no chemistry together...but I guess that wasn't really the point now was it?


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