Sunny in Philly
I have discovered the next great TV comedy, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia".
I assume most people have never heard of this show; it's on FX and has barely been advertised. However, I have no laughed this much at a new show since Arrested Development.
IASiP is about 4 friends, 2 of whom are brother and sister, who own a bar in South Philly. The bar is a failure and the more you know about the main characters, the less you wonder why. Not only are they all pretty witless, they are also some of the most selfish people I've ever seen portrayed on the small screen. But I mean that in the nicest way possible.
The comedy on the show is surreal; episodes focus on big topics like racism, homophobia, and cancer but never are you made to feel that "awww" that most sitcoms would create at the end of any such episodes. The music is almost circuslike throughout the show and there's no laugh track which contributes to the surreality.
I've 5 episodes and and crave new ones. It's not for everyone, but for me? this show just slays me.
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