Odd Weather for Llama
Both last week and last night, LA was on the verge of being swept into the Pacific. Crazy, heavy storms were hitting the area and at times I thought the only thing keeping my house from being overcome by the deluge was sheer force of will.
The good thing about this is that the air has been crisp and clean and cold. Along with a lot of the local dirt, all the smog has been washed out to sea. The sky is a bright bright blue, occasionally peeking out from behind dark purple and grey cloud formations. Dotting the sky here and there are bunches of startlingly white clouds, all the brighter against the rest of the sky. It's just so darned pretty.
On a day like today, all you can do is sit indoors and read something good or watch a movie that's actually worth watching. Of course I'm at work, but mentally I'm on my couch finishing "The Corrections" or rewatching "Casablanca".
Of course you can also just find things with which to entertain yourself, such as this.
(The management acknowledges that not everyone will find it funny.)
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