Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Matt & Trey vs Sean Penn, Et Al

By this point we've all read the memo Sean Penn wrote to Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of South Park and such characters as Big Gay Al, Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo, and Eric Cartman, the foulest little child since Shirley Temple.

Penn trying to maintain his street cred, states that he has no problem when Matt and Trey made fun of him. Of course he slyly comments that they did so in order to appear "likeable" to their desired demographic. Though I do not profess to know Matt or Trey, after years of watching their work and following their careers, I do not believe for one second that they make fun of ANYONE to appear likeable. These two "young guys", as Penn labels them, don't give a crap about being liked. No one would do what they do in an attempt to garner love and affection. That aside, Penn tries very hard to come across as someone who appreciates a good joke, even at his own expense.

However, his issue with Matt and Trey is their recent Rolling Stone interview in which they bluntly say that if you don't know anything, then don't feel pressured to vote. Mr. Penn apparently feels that by not stating that anyone who isn't informed should go and put their head in the sand out of shame and embarrassment, Matt and Trey are against people informing themselves. On some level, yes, maybe they should be encouraging education as a solution to voter abstinence, but then again is that their job? Since they are out to skewer actors who make it their point to "educate" the public, why would they do that very same thing themselves? Of course it is Penn's right to call them out on this just as it is their right to make the statement to begin with...cuz we all love America and its Freedom.

My biggest contention with Mr. Penn's letter is his sign off, "All best, and a sincere fuck you". Any and all seriousness I might have given his letter went right out the window with that.

One also has to laugh derisively at Penn's offer to be the tour guide of war-torn areas. Apparently being an actor with the ability to memorize words and having visited these areas once or twice, makes him an expert. It's infuriating. Besides, does he honestly think that Matt & Trey think war is not to be taken seriously? I refer Penn to Mel Brooks's treatment of Hitler and the Spanish Inquisition for a lesson in comedy about serious matters. You can laugh at something and still believe it is not a joke.

Again, just because it is one's right to vote and so-called "civic duty" to do so, don't mean its the always the right thing to do. Encouraging the ill-informed and ignorant to go to the voting booths and make a decision which will effect everyone is far more dangerous and wrong than telling those very same people not to vote.


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